In today’s fast world of communication, businesses are always on the lookout for efficient ways of connecting to their audience. Smaller firms often viewed email marketing as the best practice of communication while most firms started considering SMS marketing as an extremely powerful alternative. SMS comes along with unique benefits that ensure you enhance your communication strategy and increase engagement. Here’s why SMS has precedence over email in your marketing efforts.

Higher Open Rates

An amazing strength of SMS marketing is the open rate. According to research, open rates on SMS are about 98%, while those of emails feature around 20%. This means that when you send SMS, then practically all the recipient is likely to see your message in a few minutes. Emails can easily get lost in the busy inbox or remain unopened for days. Communication through text messaging would send the message almost instantaneously to your audience, so there’s a high chance that there will be a quick response.

Instant Communication

In a world that demands fast feedback, SMS offers a direct line to your audience. Text messages are most often read within a space of 3 minutes after receipt and prove to be ideal for situations demanding urgent promotions, updates, or alerts. Whether one is announcing a flash sale or reminding someone of an appointment, SMS ensures that the message reaches the audience at the right time.

Higher Engagement Rates

In most cases, the engagement rates for SMS are much better compared to those of emails. Customers would most likely respond more to a text than an email, most of which loses in the traffic of marketing messages. Using SMS will provoke more direct engagement that ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. You can easily track engagement metrics with SendHub to improve your SMS campaigns.

Deliverability Rates

Deliverability may not be very easy with regard to e-mail as spam filters and server issues may warrant that your message does not reach the recipient. SMS, however boasts of an almost 100 percent deliverability rate. If you have got the right phone number, your message is pretty much guaranteed to get to its destination. Such reliability makes SMS great for important communications.

Cost-Effective Marketing

While email and SMS both incur costs, for the most part, SMS marketing pays back more in terms of capital due to the ability to send in real time and directly engage clients. Services such as SendHub offer quite competitive pricing plans that can help businesses effectively reach out to their target market without breaking the bank. You can receive special offers, reminders, and updates in real time when using SMS, which maximizes your budget with marketing activities.

Personalization and Targeting

SMS marketing will give you a chance to write tailored messages with high probabilities of influencing your audiences. You can simply segregate your subscribers according to their preferred categories and behaviors and then send tailor-made messages to fit them. With such powerful segmentation tools, SendHub ensures that your campaigns strike out towards specific needs that your audiences have. This minimizes the likelihood of lack of interest or failure in the conversion.

Channel Integration

SMS does not have to work alone with your other marketing activities. In fact, you can combine it with your e-mail campaigns and social media work as well so that they all pool together into one marketing channel. For example, you can remind all the people whose e-mail addresses you have in your lists about your upcoming promotions so that the messages are reinforced doubly across different channels. The multi-channel approach can really supercharge your marketing efficiency.


While email will always form the core component of digital marketing, SMS marketing has emerged to be an imperative tool which businesses cannot afford to ignore. Open rates none other can match, immediate communication, and increased engagement portray different dimensions to its side benefits of utilizing SMS in marketing.

At SendHub, we empower businesses to create functional SMS operations that connect their business audience. Are you ready to take your communication strategy to a whole new level? Start using SMS marketing today!